Thursday, June 3, 2010

Words even cant describe you!!

Unbelieveable. Hurt the hell out of me. Egoist. Hypocrite.
That's the words to describe you.
Many words i might describe as who you are, but those words cant never be enough for thee whom never understand the meaning of real friendship.

Unbelieveable - it got me sick to think what i've done to you. AND what have you done to me. Thanks for you to made me realize you are not worth it as my friend. TRUST me, by the time the thing is over and the world get mad at you, you will be far from me and i'll LAUGH.

Hurt the hell out of me - Right! The pain is still hanging in here! Thanks for that. it's making me tougher than who i was. I know somehow these pains will be paid.

Egoist - At first im not realise that you are in this word. But again, since it happened and flashback everything we've been through, you ARE the worse friend i've ever had.

Hypocrite - The people who you considered as a "family" will be "Lucky" to have you. For now, heaven is yours but until the truth come down to the earth hell will be your friend FOREVER.

Thanks for everything. Peace in our heart

♥ puspa ♥

Monday, May 10, 2010

wavin' flag for the whole world :)

Im falling in love with the theme song of FIFA world cup 2010 now. What a wonderful song ♥♥♥

dan lebih amazing lagi, there is a collaboration for the song too. it makes the song more power man! ( out of the blue im thinking power ranger now :P )

Ga tau napa, tuk FIFA world cup yang sekarang ini iim a bit interested of it. And learn a bit what's football is. yes I know i've never been a football fan. but it's never too late when you wanna learn something right??!!

Now im fan of K'naan, the composer of FIFA world cup 2010's song.
Here's the pic of him if you dont know which guy is a k'naan. :P

Handsome right??!! :P

Im not wanna really talk bout the whole theme song. Im sure you know how's the song.

I'll give you the collaboration of the song,

Enjoy :) ♥♥♥

Thursday, April 15, 2010


another coming up in my uni life. for next week i have an assignment to hand in. Thank God im done the calculation this evening, left the description only. And for the next2 week another assignment, which is accounting, need to hand in.
Sadly, i have no idea how to the assignment yet the time to pass it only left 1 week. God please help me! give me some clues!!! T_T

Besides, i have 2 quizes, which are QA's quiz and Accounting's quiz.

For the QA, i plan to do a small revision in this weekend and will concentrate the rest after my mid test micro.
Accounting, im still wondering can i do the quiz??? cuz im not sure i can do it or not even i've studied and understood bout the chapters but feel not confidence with it :( (GIMME SUPPORT!!!! JIA YOU) ♥ ♥ ♥

i know not only me feel like this, all the swinburnians are the same. SO, good luck to you all swinburnians. SEMANGAT!! TERUSKAN PERJUANGKAN!!

♥ puspa ♥

Thursday, April 8, 2010

weirdness i had today

pas gue liat cermin tadi pagi a.k.a baru bangun tidur, hari gue di kejutkan sama benda aneh yang tiba2 timbul di wajah gue.

coba bandingkan dengan bibir biasa gue.

Tapi setelah siang, bibir gue berangsung2 kembali normal. Thank God ^-^.

During lunch time, i had another weirdest , but it was fun though! tetel and i had our lovely lunch in the car. wooooo!!! ♥♥♥ it ^^ .
Kenapa kita lunch di dalam mobil?? karena tempat biasa kita makan yaitu MPH, penuh banget orang.

These are some of the pics. :P

Ini menu lunch kita hari ini,, slurrrrrrrppppp!! :P

walaupun getho, kita juga punya kesulitan makan di dalam mobil, dengan space yang kecil, alhasil begini lah kami makan. FUNNN!!! Serasa kaya rumah mungil, ada AC + lagu dari radio. Anyone wanna try this?? you should man!! gue aja ketagihan, pengen lagi. ^^

Sebelum makanan nya abis, gue sempet2in ambil keseluruhan keadaan lunch tadi (emank ga terlalu jelas, But i believe you can get view).

* Maaf ya readers, u/ post kali ini penjelasan gue hanya dikit -----> sebenernya gue lagi belajar, tapi konstrasinya dah bubar, so i managed to updated my blog.

♥ puspa ♥

Saturday, March 27, 2010

menu for lunch :)

Lama ga update blog. sibuk bgt sama tugas kampus yg ga pernah selesai. Dan benar lagi gue mesti menghadapi quiz micro. worried bgt krn ga punya gambaran gimana quiz nya ntar *praying* (hope i can make it)

actually i have no topic to talk about, but i feel like wanna update my blog. so i made up to talk bout my lunch's menu... yummmy!!!

anyway, i just done made my lunch. i took some pics of food that i made. The quality of pics is not that good but hope you guys still can see. :)

This's special fried rice ala chef puspa. haha no one ever cooked this kinda fried rice. why??

yang membuat nasgor ini special adalah cencalok nya. does any one of you know what's cencalok? cencalok ini sebenernya udang2 kecil yang [hard to explain, better you guys google it :)]

trs klo yang ini hanya kornet aja sih, nothing special bout this. and i didnt put bombay on it cuz forgot to buy.

Kurang lengkap lunch gue tanpa sayur, jd gue masak sayur kangkung. The taste was ok. gue masak pake bawang putih aja. though for the first place i wanna try mix it with oyster sauce, but i changed my mind. someone told me the taste will be weird.

But you know what, one day i'll try mix kangkung with oyster sauce (im curious what does the taste like??!!!)

♥ puspa ♥

Saturday, March 20, 2010

puppy ♥ kitty

Sooo funny... when you think of the title, you'll be thingking im gonna talk about types of cats and puppy, or why cats and dogs are never be friends with each other????

title ini baru aja terbentuk beberepa menit yg lalu. these nicknames are for my bestie and I. gue selalu panggil dy bunnie ato ga puppy *dengan nada sok imut* HHHOOOEEEEKKK!!!. and she call me kitty. awalnya nickname kita ini terbentuk secara ga sengaja.

berawal dari sebuah sms.
puspa : baby *gesek2 pala ke baby* i love you
tetel : i love you too.. ^^ *ngelus2 palamu smbl nyium jidatmu*
puspa : haha serasa ky kucing, what you doing baby :))
tetel : im playing compie game babe. ^^ you? hahahahah.... you're my kitten ba
puspa : am i?? since when??
tetel : yes, since now..^^k?

somehow i like it though, like we all know, those two never be friends. But for us are the other way around. my lovely bestie ever!!!!!! love you *muakcz*

something just crossed in my mind. do you still remember a movie monster inc???? haha nevermind if you cant recall, i'll put the pic. ^^

taraaaaaaa!!!!! gimana sekarang inget??!!

kenapa gue langsung kepikiran movie ini?

karena this little kid memanggil sullivan or sulley (
a large, furry blue monster with purple spots) dengan sebutan "kitty" . aduh!!! pengen nonton movie ini. suara anak ini manggil "kitty" nya itu cute banget!

(seperti biasa gue selalu keabisan akal untuk menutup kata2 di blog)

anyway puppy ♥ kitty forever!


Pepaya bikin cantik :)

Im sure You all know that papaya is good for our digestion. Tau ga, rupanya pepaya itu bisa bikin kita cantik juga loh. kok bisa ya???!!

Bisa dong, karena si buah tropis ini mengandung Papian Enzyme yang bermanfaat membantu proses pengelupasan kulit mati sehingga kulit terlihat lebih cerah dan halus. Selain itu, Vitamin A yang membantu meregenerasi sel-sel kulit mati dengan sel-sel kulit baru.

Pepaya juga bisa bikin kulit kita halus, lembap dan nggak kusam karena di dalam nya terkandung Antioksidan dan Vitamin C. Bagi yang pengen awet muda, makan aja pepaya banyak-banyak karena pepaya bisa mencegah penuaan dini, mengurangi flek item dan kerutan-kerutan tipis di wajah.

Makanya suruh mama, tante, (nenek kamu pun boleh, hihihi^^) makan pepaya juga, biar mereka tetep kliatan cantik kaya lo.
Dan mulai sekarang gue akan sempetin makan pepaya biar lebih cantik, hehe ^^

♥ puspa ♥